The Power of Story Points: How Scrum Teams Can Improve Planning and Delivery


The concept of story points is an essential element of Agile methodology that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. Story points are a measure of the effort required to complete a user story or product backlog item. They provide a relative measure of effort that helps development teams to estimate the effort required for different items and plan their work accordingly. The use of story points can help to improve the accuracy of the development team’s estimates and ensure that they are able to deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.

The goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of story points, what they are, how they work, and why they are important. We’ll explore the process of story point estimation, common mistakes to avoid, and best practices for using story points effectively in sprint planning. Whether you are a seasoned Agile practitioner or new to the methodology, this article will provide you with a solid understanding of story points and how to use them to improve your team’s productivity and efficiency.

We’ll begin by exploring the basics of what story points are and why they are used in Agile methodology. Understanding the purpose of story points is crucial for understanding how they work and why they are important.

In Agile methodology, development teams work in short iterations called sprints, usually lasting two weeks. Sprints are a way of breaking down a larger project into manageable chunks of work that can be completed in a short period of time. Each sprint consists of a list of user stories or product backlog items that need to be completed during that sprint.

User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature that a user wants or needs. Product backlog items are more complex requirements or tasks that need to be completed in order to deliver a product or feature. Estimating the effort required to complete these items accurately is crucial for planning and executing the sprint effectively.

This is where story points come in. Rather than estimating the effort required in hours, which can be difficult to do accurately, story points provide a relative measure of effort that allows teams to estimate the effort required for different items. Story points are based on the complexity, risk, and effort required to complete a user story or product backlog item.

The idea behind story points is to provide a consistent, relative measure of effort that can be used across different items and projects. By using story points, development teams can estimate the effort required for different items more accurately and plan their work accordingly. This helps to ensure that they are able to deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.

Overall, understanding the basics of what story points are and why they are used is essential for understanding the rest of the article. In the next section, we’ll explore the process of story point estimation in more detail.

What are Story Points?

Story points are a way of measuring the effort required to complete a user story or product backlog item. Unlike traditional estimates that use hours, story points provide a relative measure of effort that takes into account the complexity, risk, and effort required to complete a task. They are used in Agile methodology to estimate the effort required for different items and plan the team’s work accordingly.

The use of story points is based on the idea that it is easier to estimate the relative complexity of different tasks than it is to estimate the exact amount of time required to complete them. By using a relative measure of effort, development teams can estimate the effort required for different items more accurately and plan their work accordingly.

One of the key benefits of story points is that they provide a consistent, relative measure of effort that can be used across different items and projects. This allows development teams to compare the complexity of different tasks and estimate the effort required more accurately. It also allows teams to plan their work more effectively, ensuring that they can deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.

Story points are typically assigned using a scale that ranges from 0 to 100, although some teams may use a different scale. The exact scale used is not as important as the consistency of the scale across all items and projects. For example, a team may use a scale that ranges from 1 to 10, where 1 represents the smallest, simplest tasks and 10 represents the largest, most complex tasks. The goal is to assign a story point value to each item based on its relative complexity, taking into account factors such as the number of steps required, the level of risk involved, and the effort required to complete the task.

In order to assign story point values, development teams typically use a process called relative sizing. This involves comparing the complexity of different items and assigning a story point value based on their relative complexity. For example, if one item is twice as complex as another item, it may be assigned a story point value that is twice as high. This approach allows teams to estimate the effort required for different items more accurately and plan their work more effectively.

In summary, story points are a relative measure of effort that are used to estimate the complexity, risk, and effort required to complete a user story or product backlog item. They provide a consistent measure of effort that can be used across different items and projects, making it easier for development teams to estimate the effort required for different tasks and plan their work accordingly. In the next section, we’ll explore the story point estimation process in more detail.

The Story Point Estimation Process

The story point estimation process involves several key steps, including:

  1. Identify the items to be estimated: The first step in the process is to identify the user stories or product backlog items that need to be estimated. These items should be specific and well-defined so that the team has a clear understanding of the task at hand.
  2. Conduct a planning session: The next step is to conduct a planning session with the entire team, including developers, product owners, and other stakeholders. During this session, the team should review the items to be estimated, ask questions, and discuss the complexity of each item.
  3. Assign story point values: Once the team has a shared understanding of the items to be estimated, they can begin assigning story point values. The values are typically assigned using a scale that ranges from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating greater complexity and effort required.
  4. Use relative sizing: Relative sizing is a process of comparing the complexity of different items and assigning a story point value based on their relative complexity. This approach ensures that estimates are based on the item’s complexity and not on arbitrary factors such as time constraints.
  5. Collaborate with the entire team: Story point estimation should be a collaborative process that involves the entire team. This ensures that everyone has a shared understanding of the item being estimated and that all perspectives are taken into account.
  6. Revisit and refine estimates regularly: Story point estimates are not set in stone and should be revisited regularly to ensure their accuracy. As the team gains more information about a task, they can adjust the story point estimate accordingly.
  7. Use story points to plan sprints: Once you have estimated the effort required for different items, you can use story points to plan your sprints. This involves selecting the items with the highest story point values and assigning them to the sprint. The team can then use the estimates to plan their work and ensure that they are able to deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.

In summary, the story point estimation process involves identifying the items to be estimated, conducting a planning session, assigning story point values using relative sizing, collaborating with the entire team, revisiting and refining estimates regularly, and using story points to plan sprints. By following this process, teams can provide more accurate and reliable estimates, prioritize high-value items, and deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.

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Common Story Point Mistakes

While story points can bring a number of benefits to your development process, there are also some common mistakes that teams can make when using them. Here are some of the most common story point mistakes to avoid:

  1. Treating story points as a measure of time: Story points are not a measure of time, but rather a measure of the complexity and effort required to complete a task. Teams should avoid using story points as a way to estimate how long it will take to complete a task.
  2. Using story points to compare teams: Story points are relative to the team that is estimating them and should not be used as a way to compare the productivity of different teams. Each team has its own way of estimating and measuring progress, and comparing them based on story points can be misleading.
  3. Focusing too much on the number of story points: Teams should focus on the relative size and complexity of different items rather than on the specific number of story points. The goal of story points is to provide a more accurate estimation of the effort required, not to create a precise measurement.
  4. Forgetting to revisit and refine estimates: Story point estimates are not set in stone and should be revisited regularly to ensure their accuracy. Teams should take the time to refine their estimates as they gain more information about a task and adjust them accordingly.
  5. Overcomplicating the estimation process: Estimating story points should be a collaborative and relatively simple process that involves the entire team. Teams should avoid overcomplicating the process with too many rules and guidelines that can make the estimation process more difficult than it needs to be.
  6. Using story points as a way to measure individual performance: Story points should be used to measure team performance, not individual performance. Teams should avoid using story points as a way to evaluate individual contributions or as a way to assign tasks to specific team members.

In summary, while story points can bring significant benefits to your development process, there are also some common mistakes to avoid. Teams should remember to treat story points as a measure of complexity and effort rather than time, avoid using them to compare teams or measure individual performance, focus on the relative size and complexity of different items, regularly revisit and refine estimates, and avoid overcomplicating the estimation process. By avoiding these common mistakes, teams can make the most of story points and use them to deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.

Using Story Points in Sprint Planning

Sprint planning is a critical part of the agile development process, and using story points can help teams to plan and execute sprints more effectively. Here are some tips for using story points in sprint planning:

  1. Use story points to estimate the effort required for each item in the product backlog: During sprint planning, the team should use story points to estimate the effort required to complete each item in the product backlog. This will help the team to identify the items that are most important and prioritize them accordingly.
  2. Assign story points to each item in the sprint backlog: After selecting the items to include in the sprint backlog, the team should assign story points to each item based on the effort required to complete it. This will help the team to estimate how much work can be completed during the sprint and ensure that they are able to deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.
  3. Use story points to plan the sprint capacity: Once the team has estimated the effort required for each item in the sprint backlog, they can use this information to plan the sprint capacity. By adding up the story points for each item, the team can estimate the total effort required for the sprint and ensure that they have enough capacity to complete the work.
  4. Adjust the sprint plan as necessary: During the sprint, the team may encounter unexpected issues or changes that require adjustments to the sprint plan. By using story points, the team can quickly and easily make adjustments to the plan based on the remaining capacity and the priority of the remaining items.
  5. Regularly review and refine story point estimates: As the team gains more information and experience, they should regularly review and refine their story point estimates to ensure their accuracy. This can help the team to improve their estimation skills and make more accurate predictions about the effort required for future sprints.

In summary, using story points in sprint planning can help teams to identify and prioritize the most important items in the product backlog, estimate the effort required for each item, plan the sprint capacity, adjust the sprint plan as necessary, and improve their estimation skills over time. By following these tips and using story points effectively, teams can deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe and achieve greater success in their agile development process.

Best Practices for Using Story Points

While using story points can be an effective way to estimate the effort required for user stories and product backlog items, there are some best practices that teams should follow to ensure their accuracy and usefulness. Here are some best practices for using story points:

  1. Use a consistent scale: To ensure consistency and accuracy in the estimation process, it’s important to use a consistent scale for story points across the team. This can be a scale of 1 to 10 or any other scale that the team agrees on, but it’s important to ensure that everyone is using the same scale.
  2. Don’t compare story points across teams: Story points are a relative measure of effort, which means they are only useful for comparing items within the same team. Comparing story points across teams can lead to confusion and inaccurate estimates.
  3. Involve the whole team in the estimation process: Story point estimation should be a team effort, involving everyone on the team. This can help to ensure that everyone has a shared understanding of the work and can contribute to the estimation process.
  4. Use past data to inform future estimates: Teams can use past data on completed sprints to inform their story point estimates for future sprints. By reviewing the actual effort required for completed items and comparing it to the estimated story points, teams can improve their estimation skills and make more accurate predictions for future work.
  5. Re-estimate items when they are re-prioritized: If an item in the product backlog is re-prioritized, the team should re-estimate the story points required to complete it. This can help to ensure that the team is working on the most important items and that they have an accurate estimate of the effort required for each item.
  6. Use story points as a tool, not a metric: It’s important to remember that story points are a tool to help teams estimate the effort required for work, not a metric to measure team performance or productivity. Using story points as a metric can lead to inaccurate estimations and create pressure to inflate or deflate story point estimates.

In summary, by following these best practices, teams can use story points effectively to estimate the effort required for user stories and product backlog items, improve their estimation skills over time, and plan and execute sprints more effectively. Story points can be a valuable tool for agile development teams, but it’s important to use them in the right way to ensure their usefulness and accuracy.


In conclusion, story points are a powerful tool for agile development teams to estimate the effort required for user stories and product backlog items. They enable teams to plan their work and make accurate predictions about how long it will take to complete a particular item. By using a relative measure, teams can avoid the pitfalls of traditional time-based estimation and instead focus on the complexity and effort required for each item.

However, it’s important to remember that story points are not a metric for measuring team performance or productivity. They should be used as a tool to help the team estimate the effort required for work, not as a way to judge the team’s effectiveness.

To use story points effectively, teams should follow best practices such as using a consistent scale, involving the whole team in the estimation process, and using past data to inform future estimates. By doing so, teams can improve their estimation skills, plan and execute sprints more effectively, and deliver high-quality work within the sprint timeframe.

In short, story points are a valuable tool for agile development teams, and by following best practices, teams can use them effectively to improve their estimation skills and deliver high-quality work.

The Power of Story Points: How Scrum Teams Can Improve Planning and Delivery